Turtle Beach launched the Stealth Pro as the new king of ultra-premium wireless gaming audio. The coronation of the new king of gaming headsets has begun, with critical acclaim already mounting for the Stealth Pro’s top-rated audio quality, best-in-class active noise-cancellation, and wealth of ultra-premium features for gaming on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows PCs, Mac, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. GamesRadar gave the Stealth Pro a 5/5 review score and Editor’s Choice Award, calling it, “A masterpiece of an all-in-one, multi-purpose gaming headset,” while IGN scored it 9/10 and said Stealth Pro, “is one of the best gaming headsets you can buy,” and that it produced, “Some of the best sonics Turtle Beach has ever delivered.” Additionally, Windows Central scored Stealth Pro a 5/5 plus the publication’s The Best Award and said, “Simply put, Turtle Beach has confidently usurped the best Xbox headset crown with the Stealth Pro. Bravo,” and GameTryant gave it a full 10/10 score, saying, “This headset truly lives up to the title of King.”