Turtle Beach launched the redesigned Stealth 700 (Gen 3) premium wireless multiplatform gaming headset. A best-selling premium wireless headset, the third generation 700 continued elevating the series above earlier versions as well as the competition. It introduced the industry-first CrossPlay dual USB wireless transmitter technology allowing gamers to quickly and easily switch between multiple devices. It also debuted Turtle Beach’s groundbreaking Eclipse 60mm Dual Drivers as part of a wealth of other premium features, like simultaneous Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity and a massive 80-hour battery life with quick charge capability. Beyond the already powerful sound from the 700’s massive 60mm drivers, the PC-specific model took things even further by offering 24-bit/96kHz high-fidelity wireless audio with Waves 3D sound enhancements and a 16-bit/32kHz high-bandwidth microphone. All that and more for the same original $199.99 MSRP that has made the 700 series a best-selling premium wireless headset since the original launched in 2017.